On mondays we have house of prayer which is at a cafe that is gorgeous. We worship for a while and read scripture, then we have a lesson and really get into the word. It’s a fun time. Then we have some free time so we either go to an orphanage and play with kids or we go to mcdonald’s and have lunch and have the rest of the day off.
On tuesdays we have house visits which aren’t my favorite but this house visit was cool. My team mate aubrey had a vision of a green door the week before then this week we saw a green door and we went to it. Thankfully we did because the family was really struggling because her husband got beaten up really bad. He was i a coma and they weren’t sure if he was going to wake up. So we prayer for her and it was really sad. But we came back the next week and he was back home it was a miracle, he still has a lot of recovery ahead but they were so joyful. Then we hang out at a coffee shop to eat lunch. Then we go and teach english to kids. My age group is 3-5 and usually 3-4 kids show up. We teach them numbers in spanish and english and practice there colors.Then they have snacks and then the ministry host gives a lesson to them. Then there’s a craft which is my favorite part.
Wednesdays we usually go to prayer mountain which is gorgeous but it’s a far drive in the back of a truck. We did manual labor all day with o squad, a semester squad and it was really fun we all connected.We were using machetes to cut grass and it was really fun.
On thursdays we have activation day which is worship, a lesson, and then we meet up with our team to debrief about it. We did atl, which is ask the lord. It was really fun this week because we were with o squad in antigua.At first I was nervous, then we talked with a few families and it got better. One of the people we talked to his name was hector and he has never heard about the Gospel, he is 50 years old and a historian. It blew my mind that he had never heard it. Of course he was curious about it and he had a lot of great questions and we talked with him for about an hour. It was really fruitful. Then it was my turn to pick someone and I saw this american and me and my teammate ashlyn went up to her and she was very friendly. She looked about mid 20’s and she had a heart for people. She didn’t really believe in God or anything and I decided to share the landslide story with her and she said it wasn’t a coincident that we all made it out alive. Which was really cool, and she got our instagrams to follow along on our journey.
Fridays we are usually with Delfina and make tortillas and give the food to kids and hang out together it’s my favorite day. Then we get mcdonald’s sometimes.
Saturday and sundays are adventure/rest days.
prayer requests:
to get more energy for ministry i’ve been feeling burn out
Love you guys 🫶
picture time
with our ministry hosts at mcdonald’s
gorgeous sunset at base
me and my team mate in the back of the truck
aubrey and the kids we teach during english lessons
Caryse, lifting you up to the Lord for renewed energy and purpose for your mission ahead. Praying you are blessed as you seek and continue to see the Lord working first hand.