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Soup kitchen

Hey! It’s been a while since I last wrote a blog. Being in Heidelberg has been amazing but also challenging for me. It’s such a small town with not much to do, so we spend a lot of time at the base. We had a kids camp called Vacation Bible School, which was so sweet. We got to do activities and play games with the kids, and I was in charge of crafts.

Over the past two weeks, we’ve also been working with a soup kitchen once a week. The first time, they partnered with a radio station, and we danced and played with them. It was heartbreaking because it’s a really poor part of town. The government provided small houses, but most of the kids didn’t have shoes and were just dirty. But they showed us so much love even though they didn’t know us. Even Susie, the woman who owns the soup kitchen, was so thankful we were there. We had some great conversations with her about what God has been doing in her life, like multiplying food so all the kids can eat, and there was even extra.

We’ve also been helping at the school, doing devotions with the kids in the mornings, playing with them, and assisting the teacher throughout the day. We got to go to the beach and see penguins with our ministry host, which was sweet. It’s been such a wonderful time bonding with the other team here with us, Steadfast. We’re all super excited for Eswatini, where we’ll be doing kids ministry at the care points for about three weeks. Then we have Awakening, which is like a worship week with L Squad and a new semester’s squad. After that, we get to see our parents for a week, which I’m super excited about. Then we have debrief. We leave on Sunday, and I won’t have service for six weeks. I’m doing okay, though I was sick last week and am still recovering. I also won’t have service for 6 weeks by the way.

Pray for our travel day



One response to “Onto Eswatini”

  1. Caryse, praying for your team and traveling mercies. Even when it doesn’t look like He’s working, don’t worry, He is. You are right where He needs you to be. Doing what He needs you to do. Hope you feel better soon. Blessings to you.